All leading to the incident

Everything is leading to the incident. I’m sure of it.

Ben does not remember any of the 815 folks being part of dharma. Which at this point in the show makes sense. Richard said he wouldn’t remember what happened to him, but Ben does return to the Dharma. So if they were still there he would remember them.

This would seem to hint that when Ben leaves the others and returns to Dharma the 815ers are no longer there.

Here is how I see this going down, probably in the season finale.

The 316ers are part of either Whidmore or Dharma. They have something in that crate that is going to cause a major problem. They ask about the shadow of the statue because that is their destination. They have an objective.

That objective is going to run them into Locke and cause something to link them to the 77 timeline. That is the cause of the incident and also how the losties in 77 return to the 2007 timeline.

Ohh man.. what a finale this might be.

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Just another soul sucked into Lost.

5 thoughts on “All leading to the incident

  1. So do the Losties remember their affiliation with the Dharma, or will they? That’s a really interesting thought on the end of the season.

  2. I think they will. It will be their present still. They will return to 2007 and then the end game will be hinted at…

    Or maybe they ALL (2007 and 1977) go to another timeline. Egypt? The Future? It will end of something like that and make us all suffer!!!

    Then we will have to endure an eternity between seasons.

  3. This theory makes sense. The woman – bountyhunter – that captured Sayid did so to make him pay for killing Whidmore’s man. The statue’s shadow makes sense too. And I swear we saw the little middle-eastern man before in a previous episode dealing with Sayid maybe?

  4. Yes I do think the Incident is the event that moves them through time. I would guess that the bomb is hidden under the statue, but that’s just a guess. What is cool is that means we get to see more of the statue… maybe whatever is underwater.

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