How many time lines – where’s everyone/dupes?

Need some help thinking on this.

We keep mentioning 2 timelines, but there seems to be 3 (probably 73 for all we know).

1) Juliet hits bomb, 815 lands, island sinks (all there drown?). On plane (2004):
Jack, Kate,
Sawyer, Jin, Sayid, Hurley
Sun, Locke

2) Juliet hits bomb, on island (2004?)
Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Jin, Sayid, Hurley, Miles, Juliet (bfd).

3) Ben kills Jacob (2007?)
Ben, Lapedius, Sun

Ben, Lapedius are only in 3.
Sun’s the only O6er not in both Juliet timelines. Why?

More importantly – what reality is 3 – (the ‘real/original’ timeline?) -how would Lapedius, Miles, get there in sub reality without 316 or island on which to land. (Kate and Jack to ’77 then DeadJuliet time for that matter) and what does it all mean!?!

How can this all merge w/so many copies of each other?

My brow is furrowed until my face has folded in on itself and my brain’s hurtin’ thinkin’ about it. Anyone?

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4 thoughts on “How many time lines – where’s everyone/dupes?

  1. waycurious, I’m pretty sure we only have two timelines that we’re dealing with. When Juliet hit the bomb, James, Jack and the rest of the Dharma losties made it back to “their” timeline. They are now in 2007 with Ben, Sun, Lapidas and Flocke. We know this because Jacob appears to Hurley and says he just got killed an hour ago. We also know this because when the ex-Dharma losties go to the temple, the templites set off a flare which is seen by Richard and the others on the beach. So that is the 2007 timeline. Then there is the alternate 2004 timeline where the plane lands in LAX.

    In terms of these two timelines merging..we’re going to have to see how this all plays out.
    Hope this helps!

  2. Don’t do that to your face, it’s not a good look 😉
    I agree with brokenankh there is only 2 timelines. We are seeing 1 in 2007 where you have the losties from 1977, Sun and Frank, dead Locke and smokie as Locke. We then have the alternate timeline caused by Juliet hitting the bomb, BUT we are looking at 2004 in that one. That gives the writers three years to pull stuff together and kill off duplications from whichever timeline they want. How they merge them together is going to be interesting, I think, and others are mentioning it too, that the merge has already started with jack bleeding and the body and knives missing. Underwater island has me completely stumped. I’m trying not to think about it so my brain doesn’t explode (or my face turn in on itself;) )

  3. Yeah definitely only the two timelines at work here. It all seems very “final destination” to me. The whole, “Whatever happened happened” concept is still gonna come into play IMO. Whoever found themselves dead on the island from 316 will probably wind up dead along the course of the three years between LAx and where the losties are on island 2007. “The world has a way of correcting itself”

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