Baby Charlie is actually real charlie

This idea came to me when I found out Miles was Dr. Chang’s son. I mean how ironic would it be that baby Charlie was actually named after an adult version of himself. I wouldn’t put it pass the writers of Lost to do this. I also found it weird that the nurse took baby Charlie from Penny before she visited Desmond, I mean how hard would it be to carry him in and wouldn’t he want to see his father? Was he kidnapped and sent back in time!?! Anyone remember anything weird in the earlier episodes to suggest that Charlie was an adopted child?

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4 thoughts on “Baby Charlie is actually real charlie

  1. all i know is he has an older brother so im not really sure….but i would say its not the same charlie….cuz then he would ahve to go to the island as a child and somehow go back in time…leave the island and live till hes an adult

  2. lol, I also had a similar theory, but it envolved Aaron (which would be Sawyer).. so, whether those babies went for a ride, or our theories suck.. 😛

  3. I don’t recall anything in the Charlie episodes that would suggest he was adopted. In fact, there were many really strong storylines specifically about his relationship with his brother. We also don’t have a way for Desmond Penny and Charlie to get to 1977… the only way to physically move through time seems to be the Donkey wheel… I’m filing Jake, Kate, Sayid and Hurley’s appearance in 1977 under Donkey wheel because it seems like an echo effect of that movement. The other instances of “time travel” on the show all involved people’s conscious minds moving into their past bodies, with the exception of Daniel’s rat brain that moved into the future.

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