The Conversation
I was thinking about the talk Jacob and the Rival ( thanks to whomever came up with that name) and it seems that it is all about freewill versus fate/ destiny. The Rival doesn’t think anything different can ever change and Jacob thinks that change can happen. It really is what the whole show has been about with scince fiction thrown in. This has probably been discussed many times on here and will be again before Lost is over. Real wars have been fought over this question. So I was looking it up on Wikipedia last night and two names that popped up were Hume and Locke. Neither one of them thought to much of either idea. So I’m thinking that sometime in the future someone, probably Jack or maybe
Angus, I agree that ‘the incident’ will only serve the purpose of reuniting everyone in present time on ‘the island’.
Faith, destiny, free will, change and redemption have been present throughout the series. The conversation between Jacob and his nemesis, epitomizes this.
One of the books that inspired the writers of Lost, in a major way is The Stand, which would work in quite nicely with your theory about ‘starting over’, or continue living with what has happened.
I love the Hume and Locke comparisons!
Very nice theory!
I agree that Season 6 could be about them having the choice to go back to the island on flight 815…or choosing to run far away from it! This reminds me of Desmond’s famous episode where he wakes after the incident as if he never was on the island, but he still remembers his experiences on the island in a sense, and he tries his best to forget it and marry Penny!
Maybe our losties will awake (in 04 or 07 i have no idea) and learned that they can be who they became on the island but without having to actually re-live it on the island. Maybe they did have to sacrifice themselves by setting off the bomb, so now they are getting a second chance to live with their “new knowledge” so at least their “70s deaths” won’t be for nothing.
“The Rival doesn
Also, has anyone mentioned this;
Locke is to the Rival as Jack is to Jacob
I think we’ll find this parallel to play a big role next season.
Let’s call Jacob’s buddy Anti-Jacob, or AJ for short.
No it would be too cruel to make all the characters have no knowledge of an entire season we had to sit through. I do agree that the explosion transported them all to 2007, or to at least another time. 2007 is the obvious choice but maybe they went back in time to when Jacob and Bob came to the island or into the future again… maybe to 2009…
Definately they were transported. That flash looked familiar.
If they stay on the island, they’ll need more womyn.
Oh, if Jacob is right … the loophole really didn’t work. He sure was egging Ben with “what about you?”
So, who are these guys? They remind me of the two rich guys in ‘trading places’ w/Ackaroid/Murphy
I’m beginning to think that Jacob knows that the loophole failed. Did Desmond really make a choice? “The island is not finished with you”, yet he is still in the real world, because he made a choice.
Desmond was leaving Los angeles with Penny and their son Charlie on a boat. You would think he would have learned the first time.
hopefully not. desmond is an awesome character. besides, ms. hawking said the island wasn’t done with him yet