my biggest theory
As i said before. I am watching the season one once again. If we forget about the stories and concentrate on the island. What do we see? Everything is about the good old Locke. He is so kind and nice, he helps Charlie, Claire, Walt … gains Booths trust by showing him the death of his half sister.
What am I trying to say is that it was Locke all the time. He was the plan from very beginning. The black eye means that the person is possessed or that the person is going to be possessed sooner or later. If the dream was created by the island, that would mean that the island tried to warn Claire about Locke. So yes, Locke was Seths plan from very beginning.
It all started when he saw that monster. He started to believe that the island is talking to him, that the island has the plans for him. Then he got injured and he thought that he is being tested by the island. Once again everything is about him. When Booth dies he tells a lie to Jack. If Jack would know the truth, he might save Booth life. Then he disappears into the islands Jungle and returns right at the time of Booths funeral. (Where was he, what happened to him) Since that moment he is trying to do anything to gain the trust from Shannon. When Danielle goes to camp and the events end with Hugo running towards the hatch yelling stop, dont do it, he doesnt listen to him and triggers the wire and the hatch explodes. Once again it was all about good old Locke.
Seth was playing with his fate into the island. When the time came he used him as a loop hole to kill Jacob with Bens help. My theory is that Jacob was the one who gave Ben another chance and cure him. That is why only Ben could kill Jacob, because Jacob used his power or his blood to cure him.
That is season 1 theory.
the end bit sounds a bit like harry potter..
Boone – was he a sacrifice or reincarnation (Aaron)? Locke has a dream, oh, the plane is sooooo impt. Nothing impt. though inside. Locke can’t climb. Boone injured, suddenly Locke can carry him to camp. He dies, Aaron born. Any ideas anyone?
Yeah, you are on right track. i wouldnt say that Aaron is Boone. Here comes the interesting part. Why the hell did Locke go into jungle after giving Boone to Jack?
Well, I do think that “Seth” had Locke in his plans for a very long time before he first crashed on that island. Maybe John is a reincarnation of Seth. If this is possible. If it is within his power.
Because of the time flashes, people were privy to the time and place of John Locke’s birth prior to the event.
I think one of the big questions for next season is just who/what are Jacob and his Nemesis. It could range from they are God/Satan all the way to just two regular humans that can manipulate the islands powers.
Aaron was already conceived and well developed long before Boone died, so i dont think hes an incarnation. i dont think incarnations happen in the Lost world.
and Locke ran off into the jungle to yell at the hatch, nothing more. i always believed what he said about Boone being a sacrifice, i always thought he had to die to make room for Aaron or some rot. and also to test Locke. somehow.
and yes, i do believe it is all about Locke. but thats just me maybe. but alas, hes dead. and dead is dead.
Reincarnation as in spirit moves as one dies to born. If space for Aaron was necessary, more had died at 1st. What did Boone do in the 1st place to not have him offed in the crash? Nahhh. Maybe a sacrifice. Locke was very driven … and that he couldn’t walk/climb the plane but could lift Boone to camp …
Where did the ‘Seth’ name come in for MIB (I’m assuming) – ‘cuz that was the name of 815s pilot.