Jack is Jacob’s uncle

No, I have no evidence. Aaron is blonde and looks a bit like Jacob. Jack is Claires half brother.

I believe the whole series is (as we all know) about people being Lost in time. Like the film Time Bandits but meets Terminator. I believe Jacob, Claires son grown up, is from the future (like John Connor in Terminator) and he time travels to find a solution or change the past to avoid this apocalyptic event. Not only are there many, many time lines, there are also many, many characters lost in time (Richard, Ben, Others, Strange Russian Dharma dudes, Rousseau) who just bump into each other aross time travel which the island provides due to its magnetic energy.

I hope I am wrong, but I think if we are looking for closure, Lost will not offer much closure!

ps How crazy is the fact that what is happening in the parallel reality (plane not crashing) mirrors exactly what happened on the island!

Ethan the doctor with Claire trying to help her with the birth/health of the baby (just like he did on the island). AND Kate being the one at Claire’s side during her baby’s problems.

It was an exact mirror image just different background/colours/decor.

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11 thoughts on “Jack is Jacob’s uncle

  1. i like this and really wont to beleive that Aaron is Jacob, the only problem i see is Name (which is probably because it would be strange for him to have the same name on the island) timetraveling and the fact that at this moment in time he is off the island in both Realities.

  2. Plus he is off the island in both! U just said it! Brilliantly spotted, surely that is a big news? He is OFF the island in BOTH time lines. Good stuff Destiny Calls

  3. I dont think that aaron is jacob, i dont think that the big mystrey is who jacob and MIB are but what they are and thier ways, and purpose.But if they do reveal aaron to be another known charcter then wouldent it probaly be MIB? i mean Malkin told claire that her good nature Had to be a an influnce on him, meaning if not he would be sinister and beyond evil.

  4. Just looked up some biblical references for Aaron. He was the brother of Moses. Moses led his people from the wilderness!! Could not be more relevant to “Lost” right?

    Of course at this moment it is hard to know who is Moses. You could argue it was Locke. But, as Jack has been seen as the leader throughout – and with his beard looks like he would make an excellent Moses ๐Ÿ˜‰ – and he is Claire’s half-brother so you could argue he is Jacob’s brother/bloodline. So Aaron is helping Moses (Jack) to get them off the island, whih jack has always promised and burdened himself with doing.

    Anyway thought I would add these things I have been contemplating over night

  5. Just before Ben killed Jacob he said to Jacob “I try to see you for years and can’t but when John Locke asks to see you he’s marched right in here like he is Moses himself” and then Flocke shoots Jacob that look like it could have meant something. I thought that was interesting.

    Locke’s story in Lost reminds me of the story of ‘Joseph’ from the Bible. Joseph had a lot of highs and Lows similar to Locke. Anyway Joseph’s Father was Jacob. Moses is a descendant of Jacob’s and had a Brother named Aaron as you mention.

    When Moses delivered his people out of Egypt to the promised Land he carried with him ‘The Bones of Joseph’. Joseph made his people swear before his death that they would take his bones with them when they left Egypt and they did. Lead by Moses.

    There seem to be many Philosophers also right? Hume,Locke,Rousseau,Faraday…etc

  6. nachochris- This isnt very significant but if you wanna take your theory that Jack is Mosses a step further think about this….Mosses was a Sheppard(Jacks last name) of sheep(before God appeared to him through the burning bush to give him his orders-lead his people out of Eygpt and to the promise land). The fact that through out the entire show Jack has been a trustful leader or the “Sheppard” is interesting to me. I believe the word Sheppard itself is symbolic of protection, leadership, and trust. Jack is all of these things.

    In the bible Aaron was Moses brother. It is speculated through interpretation of scripture that Mosses had trouble with public speaking and Aaron often was Moses voice….Ok this is all starting to get irrelavent but alot of theorists continue to get biblical but I dont think its that simple..

    My guess this show is about many things, its about trust, good vs. evil, redemption, destiny or choice debate, paradise or the grass is always greener, mind over matter..There a lot of themes, morals, symbolism etc. and I am very interested and confident that the writers will pull it all together.

  7. Excellent notes by everyone, particularly ideas on Joseph (locke) and the Shepherds!!

    Hope they give us some answers soon

    Walt is off the island too I noticed. So wondering if we shall see him return.

  8. Jacob could be Aaron’s son, and it could all be almost Star Wars-esque, with the others or whatever believing that Aaron will “bring balance”, but only truly doing it through his son? Not sure how that could be explained in one series, and it would involve the island getting displaced from time again, but I liked the idea anyway. (:

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