The writer’s have contributed to this website’s decline…

Hey, so with the lack of new mysteries and new answers this site has been crawling along as we watch the snails honking as they pass us. The glory days of this site had hundreds of comments on one post because there was so much to discuss. But there is no new material. I really enjoyed the last episode, but this season has been weak on the mystery front. Sigh…

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I rarely get into tv shows, but as you know lost is something else. I am a daytime, weekday theorist. I usually don't check in on weekends or nights. Helps me get through the workday. favorite characters: eko (duh), desmond, miles, sayid.

8 thoughts on “The writer’s have contributed to this website’s decline…

  1. I agree… and a lot of the theories have been pretty lame.

    But, I think we need to trust in the writers. I have a feeling that they have been setting us up with this weird ho hum flash sideways for a reason… Sheesh, have you turned into Ricardus already?! Have a little faith, would you? 😉

  2. Ok…I would first like to say that although I have seen a few new ideas here(very good ones too), I partially agree with you about the decline here…but…(there is always a “but” from me)…

    Its nobodys fault but ours…

    Like a Lostie trying to avoid the truth, we, myself included make excuses for something that we are very much a part of…

    Ill be the first to admit in my lack of new ideas being posted…that doesnt mean they are not there.

    Eko, you know as well as I do that there are people who helped this site grow, people who cause it to regress, and people in the middle who just want to play…

    I dont think its faith you need to have…its will.

    Having faith, like in Lost will get you so far…but you have to act on the faith. (not you specifically Eko, all of us).

    Regardless of what anyone thinks about my thoughts, Im going to continue to post them. I do try hard to get a new idea or new thought out there, even if I dont think its right…we have to have options and open minds at this point.

    Ive been accused of not admitting when Im wrong, or of attacking others…I find it difficult to believe that is how the people who I talk to on a normal basis here think of me. Am I stubborn…maybe a little…

    People are driven away by pettiness. The site declines when issues not pertaining to Lost are brought to light right in the middle of great theories and discussions.

    Eko, I know I write some off the walls sometimes…and I know I have been lacking as of late, but there are some good thoughts on here right now. Some ideas that hold weight.

    Its obvious that we have Lost some of the people who helped make the site strong…and if you see those people here…ask them to come more often. We all play a part.

    Ive fought for many things on this site, and I have let a few regrets slip in along the way, most from lack of commenting on situations that I felt should be left alone…maybe I was wrong.

    Its time to start finding our earlier days, and working together on a theory to prove things right or wrong. Its time to take criticism and learn from it rather than expel it. And its time to either save the site or abandon ship…But if we stay, we cant blame anyone but ourselves for the problems (Im talking to myself that last line)…

    Ill be the first one to agree with you about the site falling from grace a little, but as a theorist who posted and continues to post a lot, who has been here from almost the beginning of the sites life…Ill be the first to blame the man in the mirror for the decline…

    Eko, I hate to rant on what is already a rant, but I agree and disagree…I think there is still hope…

    Your thought on MIB being infected was delightful, and I stil have a few ideas coming from that thought alone…

    regardless of my words, I think you hit the nail on the head, and it should be taken as a wake up call to everyone who understands what is being said here…

  3. Eko, I agree with you… and I’m not just saying that, I actually agree with you. The site has been slow because we haven’t been seeing a whole lot of new mysteries being created. We’re getting answers now instead of more questions… well, we’re getting questions too, just not at many. It’s just not as much fun to post theories about answers… Once upon a time we theorized about how the statue came to be destroyed. There were different ideas about it and it sparked a lot of discussion. How much fun is it for someone to post a theory that says “The Black Rock crashed through the statue and that’s how it came to be destroyed”? We know that to be true now so it’s just one less thing we can speculate on.

    So I agree that the site has become slow because of the writers. Because they haven’t been giving us new mysteries to ponder (I don’t think we want them too at this point, we’re ready for answers) and not so much because people these days are taking time out in the middle of typing up a theory to call other site members names.

  4. @ highbrow – the answers they have been giving us aren’t meaty though, they don’t spark our intellectual fires. the black rock crashing through the statue doesn’t help or hurt other lines of thought or theories

    @ AES – I’m not saying I don’t have hope for the future, in fact I believe the show will be great and we will eventually have some good things to talk about. But right now…there really isn’t…anything.

    The show’s dynamic has changed, and theorizing about Lost was one of my favorite things about the show. Perhaps the dynamic needed to change to ensure that the show ends the way the writers want it to. But I was just stating my observations. I’ve had a lot of fun with you guys (and gals) and I hope we can have one big final push the rest of the season, with a little help from the writers.

  5. Yeah, I think it’s pretty clear that they’re not going to answer all of the questions so the site (and other theory sites) could continue operating… It would be more like fan fiction though if nothing else is going to be confirmed by the writers… I don’t see them making a movie or a spin off but I think something like a graphic novel would be pretty awesome.

  6. I think a lot of the decline has a lot to do with this just being the last season.

    As you stated eko, this site seemed busier months after a season finale than it does right now. What’s weird is that there wasn’t that much more to talk about than there is right now……

    Do we know how the island moves through time/space yet? No. Why aren’t people trying to relate some of the more recent answers to that mystery?

    It’s almost as if people have turned off their creative minds since the shows about to wrap up. If you ask me, the show’s still going on for a couple more months, and nothing major’s really been answered to this point……What I’m saying is, you bring up a good point. There’s still tons to speculate on.

    I guess everyone’s subconciously just a little anxious for this addictive show to be over.

    By the way…’s not like there’s any other good TV on really, so I doubt anything’s taking LOST fan’s attention away.

  7. My last comment seemed a little dim…

    I dont mean to come off that way, but its true in my eyes.

    Last March, a year ago, Cappayne (where are you?) posted a thought asking people what their deepest Lost questions were…I broke that up into 60+ questions, narrowing them down by eliminating repetition into 30 odd question…Ill post the link following this comment…forgot to copy it before I wrote everything…Its from “Lost and Found”, by that AES guy…

    As to my knowledge, to date…27 of those questions remain FULLY unanswered…

    There may be debate over the word “fully”, but I am prepared to explain why I still consider there to be 27 unanswered questions from after the finale…

    That is just from last year. I would bet that this season, with all the candidates and time lines there may actually be MORE now…

    So everyone can be whatever, but as I have said a million times out…half the fun of this show for me has been theorizing.
    I just gave cocoadoll a good word for weeding out spoilers as of late, and although I have told several people that I planned on leaving about 5 episodes ago to to such things, I will stay until it becomes out of hand…and even then it will be hard to stay away…You want to blame it on spoilers, fine…but dont blame it on lack of mystery…

    Any answers to more than 7 of the questions is arguable in my opinion…which ones…all you really have to do is look…

    So I say get your thinking caps on…and lets make the last 8 weeks the best in terms of theories…

    Everyone wonders what they are going to do after the show is over…what happens in 8 weeks, “What will I do?” …


    Let me ask you all one…

    What are you going to do BEFORE its over?

    …Ill be here for the next 8 weeks waiting for an answer…

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