815 – looks like Cuse, Lindelof and Abrams are busy lately. But they are producing pretty good stuff. It may be a while before we get Lost back unless they can fit it in otherwise other producers will need to pick up the slack.
BTW, saw Sawyer in the movie Paranoia. He did a good job.
Yes but I may be the only person left on the Island.
Also to mention, I think Admin should create a site like this for the series Helix.
Hello ladies and gentlemen…
I’ve made it back to the island…..
oh wow, little Lost reunion here! Hello everyone!
815 – what do you think of the flight MH370 mystery?
Oh sorry .. I forgot this http://www.vanityfair.com/vf-hollywood/tv-show-miniseries-revival?utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_163050&mbid=synd_zergnet
@Wolfx I found the missing flight very interesting. No plane found, no debris, no bodies. Not a normal situation at all.
I’m ready for a new group to land on the island.
815 – looks like Cuse, Lindelof and Abrams are busy lately. But they are producing pretty good stuff. It may be a while before we get Lost back unless they can fit it in otherwise other producers will need to pick up the slack.
BTW, saw Sawyer in the movie Paranoia. He did a good job.