Need help convincing a friend

Hey everyone.

I have a friend who watches LOST but has not seen every season. He watched season 1, is currently finishing watching season 2, and watches season 5 with some understanding of what happens in seasons 3 and 4 based off of youtube videos and theories etc. There are still many things he does not know though: I was talking to him about Nikki and Paulo today and he had no idea who they were.

He is quite the pessimist and seems to think that season 3 is a “bust” season, and wants to just skip to season 4, but I am trying to convince him that even if season 3 was not as spectacular as the others, it is still important to watch them as future events relate to them.

His defense is that the important things happening in season 5 – the time travel, Faraday’s stuff, etc. he already knows the past events of those stories through youtube and readings. Most of the stuff he doesn’t know is about people who are dead (Nikki and Paulo, Arzt…)

So I would greatly appreciate it if you could list some major events/information that happen in season 3 that would convince him to watch all the episodes.


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7 thoughts on “Need help convincing a friend

  1. Charlie’s death and Desmond’s ability to see the future

    The Looking glass and Naomi

    The episode with the Dharma initiative and Ben as a youth with his relationship to Richard and Horace. (The Man Behind The Curtain) and Jacob’s ‘Help me’

    Juliet’s turnaround with Jack.

    Locke getting Sawyer to kill his dad was a turning point in Sawyer’s character arc

    I would recommend to anyone to watch every episode in order to get all the clues and information…

  2. Forget events. If he is at all hooked, just convince him that the whole point of Lost is the details. The more watching, the more we get on these sites. Think about almost anything that he likes, Im sure in this plethera of Literature, and science, and religion, monsters, attractive people, there is something that you can say to get his attention. You may have to “benipulative” cappayne on him, and use reverse psychology of some sort. But if hes your friend and watches Lost, you cant talk to someone about serious theories or anything like that if they miss one episode, let alone one season. Tell him to s*#t or get off the pot, because it just wouldnt be worth it…he’ll give in, even if it takes that last remark

  3. Nicely said and elaborating on what A.E.S. said, just show him this blog dedicated to him! I mean, I certainly would love if someone who didn’t even know me, but thought that a T.V. show was worth convincing me. Almost any broad history and philosophy he has been acquainted with could be a reason to watch every episode. Anything that has happened in the broad topic of religion (believer or NOT) could be a reason to watch every episode. Any feeling of emotion (happy, sad, mad, evil, twisted, drugged, angelic, confused, feeling ‘dead’, etc.) could be a reason to watch this show! All these things are reflected in the greatest manner and written in an outrageous way. Not to mention, anyone that has or does attend college or even high school classes and watches this show, realizes that in some way some how LOST has used something from almost every one of their classes. Even if it is the slightest thing. So, to put it simple… if anyone finds a divine interest in anything, good chances are Lost has used it and manipulated it some way to flow with their story line.

  4. I agree with all the comments……Every episode has something to reveal and it may be the only show where you absolutley can’t miss an episode let alone five minutes.

  5. Benipulation….. Make up something about his favorite character. A very vague fact. Ex: Everyone loves Desmond. Tell him he HAS to watch that season to truly understand why he named his kid Charlie and that it connects Desmond to the destiny of the losties and the island…..

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