The Constants

Written 10th February

There is a trend in the storyline towards identifiying some kind of quality or characteristic in various people, but we do not yet really know what this characteristic is being sought.  There is a lot of lying and deception in this regard, which would tend to imply that what is being identified is important, strategic, and precious.  I wonder if the characteristic they are looking for is whether or not an individual is a “constant” (per Faraday’s theory).  The “constants” are those whose fate is unaffected by various events in various timelines, so they are the touchstones needed to determine the true course of time and events.  Constants would be very important to achieving the outcomes desired by differing forces (MIB vs. Jacob?), but identifying Constants would not be easy unless one had seen various iterations and determined which people had the same outcome over and over.  The Constants themselves would not understand their “gift” immediately – not until they had a few go-rounds and realize they are different.  If one was unsure but had some evidence of who the Constants are, one may even compile a list of those people and keep an eye on them to make sure they were not used by the other side. 

If everything outside the path of the Constants is really just noise, then all that would matter is aligning (and protecting?) the Constants in such a way that time moves forward, courses correct, and the desired outcome can occur for all the Non-Constants.  The Constants would also be the only ones whose memories would stay the same and be retained when/if they flashed from time to time, so their value to those who would want to manipulate he path of time would be great (and the Constants would not necessarily want anyone to know they are Constants).  If Constants can be killed and their path destroyed, then those who battle to control things would employ this to achieve their goals.  The permutations go on from there …

Possible Constants at this point: Brutha Des, Jack, Hurley.

Not all nailed down yet, but I am seeing some consistent trends (need a few more iterations to be sure!).

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5 thoughts on “The Constants

  1. A constant being someone who can influence others’ “destiny,” and constants for each other. I like the way you’ve tied this in, because it is an element that has gotten lost with all the info we’ve gotten but plays a very important role, as we know. I think Juliet is one of these special people, especially as her nose is bleeding indicating that she has time traveled before. I still think we know very little about her.
    Very well explained and logical theory!

  2. I also just read over Dabsi’s theory about the Variables from last year. I’ve been gone for a while …

    Pair that theory with this one. Lots to mull over … hmmm

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