I have been thinking about Jacob and why he tells Locke to move the island and all that etc.

I remebered that the cabin was trapped in that place with the dust(or substance ) to prevent it from moving but it did and it moved around the island, maybe it moved like the island did and is moving through time and maybe he moved to the future hence why he asked locke to move the island because he saw what would of happened if the island didnt get moved, maybe that it was the cabin is doing right now travelling throught time and gets people to do stuff on his knowledge on what will happen in future and what needs to happen in the past to prevent that.
Any thoughts

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Lee 17 UK


  1. Ben uses the power of suggestion on the island.He also whispers to people in there sleep to give them instructions for later.If someone had a dream on that island ,then its quite likely ben was there whispering in their ear.He’s been doing it the whole time.Ben is an evil manipulitive little bastard.

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