Residual Haunting

Hey everybody! I think everyone on the island is what’s called a risidual haunting. Those of you who have seen Ghost Hunters knows what that is, but I will explain it to those who don’t know. A risidual haunting is basically a memory replating itself over and over again. Let’s take a 1930’s party in a ballroom, for example. The building in which the ballroom is located was built on a limestone cliff, overlooking water. The party goes on just fine, no harm done, and everybody goes home. Eighty years later, people who enter the building can still see and hear the party going on, but there is no ghost activity. Why? The party is a residual haunting. You see, water and limestone tend to have powerful components in them that makes them able to hold strong memories. So, when conditions are right, the water and limestone replay the memory, and people can “look back on” the past. This is what I think is happening on our island. The island is sitting on a limestone rock, obviously surrounded by water. This may explain alot of things; why Richard doesn’t age, what Faraday meant when he explained the “skipping record”, and why our charactors (especailly John Locke)

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Written by

Dharma Dancer

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