Father Stabbers

Killing your father is an island test. (And not doing it is passing the test.)

Rewatched episode where Sawyer offed John’s dad. There were some amazing parallels between Ben/Cooper/John and Jacob/Ben.

1)It had to be ‘free will’
2) Cooper taunted John very dismissively … kinda’ ‘what about you’-ish.
3) The Others were all gathered to watch.
4) He was supposed to do it with a knife.

John wouldn’t kill him ‘cuz he’s not a killer (Ben said that about himself, too ‘eh?) Cooper taunted awyer dismissively and is choked.

It was right after that, though, that ‘Jacob’ asked him for help while in the cabin. NOT killing of his own free will and under duress is what gave Locke the final ‘in’. (Ben failed both w/his dad and Jacob.)

Later (though timeline wise it’s earlier) Ben kills his father (to be Other leader?)

And, didn’t Kate off her (step) dad …

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4 thoughts on “Father Stabbers

  1. This should be explained in season 6. It’s just too weird not to explain. As far as it being a test, maybe or possibly its something that must be done to be the leader. For whatever reason that is. Probably having to do with a time travel influenced prophecy.
    As far as passing or failing a test, well that would be in the eye of the beholder.

  2. i stated in an earlier theory that john never really becomes the leader of the others, maybe its because he didnt kill his father. he was about to become the leader when he flashes, and then leaves the island, and then dies.

  3. “I’m thinkin’ not killing dad brings you to the next level (e.g. shows you to be the right vessel).”

    Would that be related to time travel? If you go back in time and get to excited and end up killing your father, you won’t exist…?

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