Alex…and maybe Richard… maybe

This was originally going to be posted under fun because I have no real evidence. But its going everywhere because I think it can spark some discussion.

First, I have a question. Is the smoke monster manifesting itself as Alex, or is that something different? I get the feeling that it is something different because the smoke monster comes out of its holes, does some crazy stuff with Ben, and then goes back in its holes. Alex appears behind Ben after the smoke monster goes back into its holes. So, what is Alex/the manifestation of Alex.

I actually do think this is Alex(even if she is inside of smokey or even a part of smokey), but an “i’m dead so I know things know” Alex. She seems to know the intent of the island since she tells Ben that he better do what Locke tells him. Hmmm who else seems to always try to do what is best for the island?

Richard. I think Richard could be one of “the dead” that is either a part of Smokey or speaks upon the islands behalf. Richard is one weird dude that constantly seems to just appear out of nowhere, and apparently doesn’t answer to any mortal person on the island that we have seen.

Also, Richard seems to have always thought that Locke should lead the others. But, I’m not entirely convinced that this is because he saw Locke in 1954. That is part of it, but Richard knows things that others(not the others) don’t.

So, I propose that Richard is the same as Alex. He is dead, but because of this he knows things. He is the manifestation of the island’s will. Everything that he does is for the greater good of the island. He (and some of the other undead we have seen) is the island’s own way of “course correcting” the universe to make the island be what it needs to be (or the island itself could be trying to change things from the way they are going to be). The others need direction, the island brings back someone who knows what needs to happen.

Ok, this really is almost all rambling speculation but whatever I gotta speak whats on my mind.

P.S. There is a hieroglyph of Anubis controlling the smoke monster. We know who the smoke monster is, but who controls the smoke monster. Is it really Anubis, or do we already know who Anubis is(as in is it Richard or Jacob).

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21 thoughts on “Alex…and maybe Richard… maybe

  1. Ok, I have to say…I really think it is the smoke monster.
    If in fact it is smokie when Eko meets his brother…same circumstances…
    That scene played in my head during the whole scene tonight…just waiting…
    as soon as Ben was alone, I thought that it was coming..

    At least, Im pretty sure…I was actually a little suprised the smoke part made an appearance at all once he fell…that is, if it wasnt going to kill Ben

  2. Yeah i’m really unsure about all this… but what do you think about Alex (and Eko’s brother for that matter) not being “impersonated” by the smoke monster, but actually being a part of the smoke monster. It seems like they could still be themselves, just with the knowledge of the smoke monster if you get what i’m saying. The smoke monster is sort of a collective dead.

  3. Yes, sorry, I sort of misinterpreted you, but at the same time, We hear Emi, tell Eko, “You speak to me as if I was your brother”, would that mean then, that the monster just took over him…that does make sense.
    How about this…just my thoughts, and combining them with yours, I swear if you dont like it, I understand…

    The monster takes the concience of the person…due to the ‘water’ that Ben released, I wonder if that is the way the monster takes form…hmm, I like this…The monster is actually a combination of the islands energy with elements, allowing it to take shape and form…
    It uses the concience, which I believe is the soul, and the true self, of the person, to manifest what they actually think…
    They are bitter with this person, they have a sense of betrayal and hatred almost, for things that who is being judged has done…

  4. NMB, yes it is the smoke monster. When Yemi appears to Ecko, it was the smoke monster also.

    It has been verified that the smoke monster also appeared to Locke once, as Walt.

    Ben was initially shocked and excited when he first sees Alex, but quickly learns it is not her.

    The smoke monster had to let Ben know, what was taken from him, by her death, in the visions he presented to him. It saw Ben was remorseful, and allowed him to live, but under one condition. And, that was to help John Locke.

    A message, which I think Ben received loud and clear!

    Richard Alpert has turned out to be every much the liar that Ben has been. I dislike him intensely! I haven’t figure out his ‘gig’ yet, but I definitely get a strange feeling from him too.

    And, on one other note, if anyone thinks Widmore is the good guy, I got news for you! Baby Killer? Pure evil.

  5. AES, lol After tonight’s episode, not only am I a ‘Ricky’ hater, I am out to get ‘Chucky’ myself. haha

    What kind of a leader is Richard, who would say nothing when ‘Chucky’ wanted to kill baby Alex?

    I never thought I would say this, but I have a new found respect for Ben! He won me over! I saw his humanity! Who knew!

    I have a specific rule, ‘don’t hurt children or animals’. Grrrrrrrrr

  6. I wouldnt count Richard out…Who authorized Chucks removal from the island…Seems Chazz was in charge at the time…If it was Ben, who put him ahead of Charles?
    Jacob…?…Through who?
    I think Ricardo was the one to push the button…sorry, bad analogy…to put the wheel into motion…Damn, did it again, you get the point.

  7. AES, I just see Richard as being very disloyal. It’s hard to see who Richard really is and what motivates him.

    He lacks affect and emotion. Not very human like, but that doesn’t mean, he is not on the right side! He comes across as a silent sneak! lol Maybe that’s okay in his case. Could be method to his madness.

    I agree with you, that it was likely Alpert who gave the go-ahead to get nix old ‘Chuckie’.

  8. In yesterday’s discussion about Smokey (or “the Monster”) I think I said something about Richard and Smokey being connected/the same. I was half-joking, but half taking myself seriously with some serious lack of evidence.

    After reading this post, NMB said something that could be a connector. (A connector not THE connector, though.) First let me rattle off a few things…

    It’s obvious that the Monster takes shape in human form, but only with Walt has it been an ‘alive’ person so far.

    As I watched Alex approach Ben, I thought it was interesting how there were instructions or ‘a word’ that came after the apparent judgment. (Did Eko experience something similar, and he failed the instructions part? Not really important at this point…)

    So Smokey manifests itself as Alex to bring the island’s final say to Ben.

    Two questions to consider:

    1) Will we see Ben in the ‘know’ or having island authority any longer? Doubtful.

    2) What happens when Ben encounters Richard from here on out?

    So this brings me back to the post here. (Sorry.)

    NMB proposes that Richard is the manifestation of the island’s will. It’s worth considering and then trying to factor in Jacob, given that Jacob has been used as the ‘default’ for actions that have to do with the island’s will.

    NMB also suggests that Richard is dead. This could actually work, to some extent minus the ‘long hair’ Richard we see once, because it could account for him not aging. The only other thing that works against this is figuring out ‘when’ he dies, considering that he has had to give Locke instructions.

    So perhaps he is dead, but hasn’t always been dead when we’ve seen him. (Is that NOT a confusing statement or what???)

  9. My initial impression after the scene was that Smoke Monster = Alex (from just that scene) = Jacob

    Based mostly on that Alex was so intent on getting Ben to follow Locke, and that she knew Ben was going to attempt to kill Locke. No real proof otherwise, just a strange feeling that everyone has been alluding to the fact that “we have seen Jacob in a non-speaking role”, etc. Could be wrong.

    Smoke monster definitely seem to read the mind of Ben. I think it determined that Ben wanted to do good, but was just horribly misguided. I mean without question, we got a different view of the guy this episode didn’t we? From compassionate and caring, to shooting a guy just to get a boat. Place is a soul killer.

  10. I really dont think Jacob and Smokey are the same…related MAYBE, but not the same…

    Here is my problem with Alpert as the smoke monster…

    “Your fence may keep the moster out, but not us…”

    That statement alone, to me shows they are different beings…

    I think Alpert is from the future, bottom line.
    Dont know if Ive said it before or not.
    I think his not aging, is an effect of the islandsprotection over him…he still has work to do…

  11. I appreciate Richard, I really do, but something about his coolness bothers me…always relaxed. The way he walks into a scene, with no regard whether someone has gun on him or not….
    I know Dabsi is not a Ricky fan, and I actually do like him…but he is just creepy…
    “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil: For thou art with me…”

  12. Richard is one of my personal favorites. He is kind of creepy, but I think he always knows what going on better than anyone else. He is just so different from everyone else, and he doesn’t answer to anyone mortal we have seen, which makes him a badass.

    I actually would be kind of scared to see Richard lose his cool, because if he does something is seriously wrong and shit is about to go down.

  13. My family and I actually have a few theories. So far we have seen Jacob in two forms right? As his old (original?) self, and as Christian. What if Jacob presented himself as Alex, because he knew that was the only was Ben would listen and do as he wanted?

    Also, on Richard, we have seen many Ancient Egyptian symbols and hints. Notice Richard does have really dark eyes, and we are all familiar with the Egyptian eye with the curly que? I think the Richard is Egyptian, which would make the dark eyes have sense.

  14. Also, one more idea.

    Ben never hurts children, he has always been nice. He brings Alex back, is never mean to Walt, and lets Penny live when Charlie, her son, comes up out of the boat.

    When Richard took him to save him when he is shot as a child, Richard said, he would lose his innocence. I think that Ben has a soft spot for children that still have there innocence because he lost his. Whether this is sub-concious or if he is fully aware of his change in attitude I ahve no idea.

  15. Richard the Egyptian, played by an New York born actor of latino extraction? Interesting. I would think he would be played with some kind of exotic accent.

    Can someone tell me if the character of Ceasar is supposed to be South American or Mediteranean? This soft spoken French-Morrocan actor has played Iraqis before (which is why I was looking for a link to Sayid two weeks ago). Have the producers provided any more information on the character since the first episode of the season?

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