Aljira Airlines

1) Could Ilana be working for Ben or Eloise to recreate as best possible the original group?
2) Why doesn’t it have all ‘the numbers’ in it’s flight number like 815 did? Are these new numbers (something changed) or it’s 316 like John 3:16 … or shall we say John Locke 3:16?
3) If they’re recreating the original group, why did John have to wear something of Christian’s when it wasn’t something he wore on 815 ‘cuz then it would be on the island?

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7 thoughts on “Aljira Airlines

  1. 1. Yes she could be. in my opinion she was hired to work for Ben, but doesn’t actually know Ben.
    2. I think the fact that the numbers weren’t all the same means nothing.
    3. Because they were trying to recreate Christian Shepard in a coffin, on a plane, and the shoes belonged to Christian. It would be impossible to have anything he actually wore, as he is still back on the island with it all. but the shoes were his, so thats a good enough connection i suppose?

    Hope that helps.

  2. Thanks emzi! I have commented that 3 16 fits the reverse of the numbers.

    An idea I have is that Ilana is working for Eloise Hawking to restore the original Hostiles, as the Others were a corrupt version.

    The idea of recreating circumstances is only in representation, not literal. If you look at what each person on the flight represents, none of them are literal, only symbolic. I.e. Hurley is not carrying Charlie’s original guitar.

  3. waycurious, I have to say, that scripture is also a likely possibility, as it refers to the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ .. (“God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son …”).

  4. Its interesting to me the “proxy” similiarities between Lost and Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ died he suffered the sins of the world by Proxy for us. He did it for us, as if he was us. Now everyone has to come back to the island, Locke comes in Proxy for Christian (being Dead), and the same cercumstances are to be repeated. Someone was in custody and in hand cuffs (Sayid and Kate) someone was dead and in a coffin, I don’t know of others now but I am sure there are more. We don’t know much about the others on 316.
    It makes me think of Watcher in the woods, there was a game played between some children, they thought it was for fun but it was some sort of ceremony or spell, and one girl ended up dissapearing into another dimension. The only way they could get her back was by repeating the “game”, or spell, whatever it’s called. The did so many years later as adults, and the girl came back, and she aged just as the others did. That was a good movie! Lost does have a sort of watcher in the woods.

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