ABC Promo.. in slow motion

OMG… I saw the abc promo during Private Practice, then watched it in slow motion, and there were some new images thrown in there… It was pretty awesome… Did anyone else see it, and/or watch it in slow motion?

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email: I love LOST... I live in NJ right outside NYC.

11 thoughts on “ABC Promo.. in slow motion

  1. Is the image a spoiler…?
    I dont know how it could be in the promo…
    If not…do tell…

    Ive only read this thirty seconds ago and its driving me nuts…

  2. I wouldn’t call a promo seen on ABC a spoiler so…..

    What I saw from it was Jack wearing a white polo shirt I haven’t seen before… With his head shaved like before

    and well…. Claire holding a rifle

  3. Doesnt look like she knows how to handle the thing, but man does she looked pisses. I think MIB/Christian Shephard has been effing with her head.

  4. I think the image of Claire was a spoiler… She looked really pissed… I think ur right about her motivations & feeling A.E.S., but I still think she’s DEAD, so maybe that is alt timeline Claire.

    There were other new images too, The group walking back in the other direction carrying the cargo box containing John Locke… and everything was in reverse, from the pilot… There was also a new image of John talking, and pics from room 23… It was quite awesome…

    9 days people…

  5. Hmm, I wonder if the entire trailer mixed with the quick frames overall have an underlying clue?

    Like, other than the “Everything Changes” frame, there is also a text frame after Claire/gun saying something about planting seed will bring fruit (can be seen in the Room 23 video).

    You something there, Sinster, with things reversing and stuff..

    That trailer is a clue, I tell ya! lol

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