Jacob in a nutshell

Hi, I’m Jacob. I am inside a large nut. I am stuck in this nushell, but I knew this was going to happen even if it didn’t look like I did. It is all part of my master plan. I know why it exists, and how the island made it exist, but I won’t tell you anything about me and my nutshell.

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I rarely get into tv shows, but as you know lost is something else. I am a daytime, weekday theorist. I usually don't check in on weekends or nights. Helps me get through the workday. favorite characters: eko (duh), desmond, miles, sayid.

5 thoughts on “Jacob in a nutshell

  1. i hope the nuts not infected highbrow…

    and yeah shephards flocke. the writers are jacob and mib both.

    they know all, and at first they were jacob. but know the island is run by mib, and he wants to give answers. are we all turning to the dark side to achieve enlightenment. “I would never have done that to you. I would have treated you with respect.”

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