Well well well…
There are many wells on the island… interesting. They all make the compass spin, so they must have similar energies housed within. I doubt that they all control time, and others may have wheels as well. Maybe one of the wells (I’m hinting at the one Desmond is currently falling down) has a wheel that can flash the island between realities.
An idea I like better is that Desmond can get to the “center” of the island while no one else can. There are many pockets of electromagnetism on the island, but these are just places that have electromagnetism leaking from the true center of the island. That is why the people digging didn’t find what they are looking for, they couldn’t dig deep enough. They were exposed to energy and died like the Dharma worker when they were building the hatch. Desmond can survive this electromagnetism, and get to somewhere special.
But what could be down there? It is obviously important and will help answer what the island is…but I can’t quite tell what the puzzle picture is. Missing a few important pieces….Anyone have any ideas?
oh also, am I remembering correctly that the torch flocke dropped splashed into some water? water is very important in lost and the writers have said it was important to the big picture.
I think Nemesis threw Desmond in the well to trap him down there. I think that particular well is just simply a “dead-end” that Nemesis used to hold Desmond so that Widmore couldn’t use him for his own purpose.
I do like the idea that, since he can withstand the EM energy, Desmond can get to the center/core of the island, for whatever reason. I do think at some point in the remaining episodes that we’ll return to the frozen wheel chamber and I think it will be Desmond that is the one who will be there. Perhaps having Desmond turn the wheel will make the timelines merge? Not sure just yet.. still a lot of questions to be answered.
First off, nice pun in the title. I bet you’re right though. Desmond will figure this island out by being able to go where others can’t. I bet he sees what ends up being a millenium old meteor. Which of course ends up being the source of the energy. This, in turn, might help explain what Smokey is as well (no pun intended).
A couple of weeks ago, there was a debate on whether Desmond was going to be important to the rest of the story. I think we know the answer to that now.
@inquisitor – maybe thats what MIB thinks, but I feel like Desmond getting closer to the center of the island is a metaphor for getting to the center of whats happening, getting to the bottom of whats going on.
@ chief – thanks, you can call me Big Pun if it makes you happy. A meteor seems plausible, and can be the source of the exotic matter pierre chang talks about.
yep pennydean, he is central in many ways. how did the coffee date with des go?
Overall I like your theory. However, in this case I think the well is just a well. Smokey seems to be afraid of Desmond and wants him out of the way. When I was watching the scene I was a tually expecting Smokey to say those people found him down there.
I find it interesting that Smokie didn’t kill Desmond. He isn’t a candidate, so I don’t think it would be breaking any of the rules we have seen by killing him. So why trap him? Maybe he too needs Desmond to manipulate an area that has a high electromagnetic field. Or maybe he just needs him to be on the plan that he wants to leave on.
@achalli, i dont think its just a well, because locke gave desmond the whole speech about the compasses spinning (implying that there is electromagentism below). And why have that conversation if its just a well?
@ claire blue eyes – i agree that its strange smokie didnt outright kill desmond, but maybe is against the rules? the little boy appeared again when locke was with desmond, so maybe it was a reminder that this person couldn’t be killed?
ekolocation, I’m lovin your title too.. couple comments; concerning the water, I found it interesting that it was only a couple inches of water at bottom of well, which i believe was very similar to bottom of swan hatch when Jack drop the torch down it in Season 1, and I think also same as Orchid well where Locke fell in (I think, not sure..). I’m also liking the fact that there’s more than one well, and that they dug them to find energy source. It could explain the origins of the ancient tunnels; that they dug down first, then horizontally, maybe linking to other tunnels. Kind of reminds me of the hatches, and how the hatches (might) connect according to blast door map.
ekolocation, according to the explanation from Nemesis regarding the electromagnetic pockets on ‘the island’, this is why people would dig in order to find out what caused their compasses to go haywire. I took this meaning to imply that it wasn’t limited to ‘the island’ or one specific place on it.
It is quite possible that there are other wells, whether or not they connect to one another or any other wells on ‘the island’.
I can’t see there being more than one FDW, but you never know. Perhaps, they will find some type of underground access, that connects.
I’m sure Nemesis had a reason for choosing to deal with Desmond in this manner, as opposed to simply killing him another way.
Good thoughts!
Didn’t the Dharma worker die from his metal filling getting ripped through his brain?
i meant the guy who was drilling when pierre chang runs into faraday, and also what happened to the guy in widmore’s wooden box thing aslo applies.
What if Locke knows what Des will find down the well and what he will do and needs him to do it? He knows Des can withstand the electromagnetism and that he has special abilities and that the well has extra energy ‘features’ so why put THAT person in THAT location unless you wanted them to do something?
you make a great point Tas..I’m thinking, Des’s ability could benefit either MIB or Widmore, in the end Des will make his choice who he wants to help..
ekolocation, *sigh*, I wrote the most stupidest theory last night (not moderated yet) around Desmond ‘dying’ and reading what you wrote only just made me click that he most probably isn’t actually dead haha! *bangs head on desk* that’s what I get for writing Lost theories at 1 o’clock in the morning.. but anyhow, now that I actually think about it, yes, there is definitely something important down there. And I like Chief’s mention of the meteor because it ties in with another Hurley-centric episode (Tricia Tanaka is Dead). So for this being a source of energy? I believe could be plausible.
Urgh, I hope the meteorite rock is not some sort of kryptonite to MIB, I will not be satisfied! 😛
perhaps MIB knows, perhaps he does not. But since hes had his own plan for a while, and didn’t know what was in the package, i’d say he is just getting desmond out of the way.
hasben- come one man! haven’t you seen enough lost to know that if someone doesn’t blow up in front of you, or says some dying words, they probably aren’t dead yet?
maybe the meteor rock is what the smoke arose from, more along the lines of spiderman than superman. like the black slime that makes spiderman venom, maybe the black smoke comes from the meteor and does similar things (influences negatively). also that slimes weakness was loud sounds, like the sonar fence. New theory?
I like the idea of this theory and I think Desmond’s role is huge in what happens with the last few episodes.
On a side note, when Desmond said “there’s no point to be afraid,” it looked as if Flocke was afraid/angry and maybe he trapped him because Flocke had no intimidating effect on Des. Maybe he threw him down the well to keep him from pulling Flocke’s followers toward Desmond/Widmore.
I reckon Flocke knew exactly what he was doing when he shoved Dessie down the well. If he didnt want Widmore to have him, why didnt he just kill him? There’s more to it that that, and I have the biggest feeling that Flocke is going to surprise us all with some redeeming features!! Or maybe I’m just nuts.
@ Canton – well either he knows what hes doing, or he knows he can’t kill desmond. neither would suprise me. If smokie has redeeming qualities, i think they have long abandoned him. i think he used to be a good guy, but has been twisted.
@ headley – he definitely didn’t want the losties to see/talk to desmond. especially after talking to him.
Did anyone else get the vibe that it was more like Desmond new exactly what he was doing than Flocke did?
He’s just had that air of certainty about him ever since he flashed back from the ALT. It actually reminds me of exactly how Locke was acting back in season 5 when he “came back to life”.
Whether or not Desmond knows what’s ahead is still a mystery but I’d bet he knew enough to just go with the flow. I doubt he intended on getting tossed down the well, but I have an itching feeling that it’s exactly where he’s supposed to be. To me it seemed like tossing Desmond down there was just an irrational outburst from Flocke.
I see three distinct possibilities for Desmond’s stoned, whatever happens, happens attitude:
1) He knows whats going to happen and either knows he can’t stop it, or doesn’t care.
2) Desmond accepts his fate now, no matter what it is, because he can’t change it.
3) Desmond doesn’t care what happens because he now has Penny in either timeline.
When MIB comments that Desmond isn’t frightened, that made it obvious to me that MIB intended Desmond harm and he couldn’t figure out why Desmond didn’t sense it. Then we see Desmond crash into Locke in the alt timeline with his car, and he has a look of revenge and anger in his face. I took all this as Desmond is “getting back” at MIB, stopping him somehow knowing that what happens in one timeline will effect the other.
Flocke is extremely calm speaking with Desmond. But once he feels the lack of fear in Desmond, this actually strikes fear into Flocke, and results in him throwing him in there to kill him off/get rid of him.
Fear is critical to smokie/MIB as that is what he uses to manipulate people. for example using Ricardos fear of his lost wife. Suns fear of never seeing jin, Sayids fear of not hvaing his love for (forgotten her name).
Anyway, thought that was quite interesting.
Anyway, in my opinion, Desmond better prepare his Tunisian visa!!!!
I think Desmond intends to get Locke into hospital to meet up with Jack in the sideways timeline, which he will do for Jack to fix his back.
eko – I also though Des was dead in this episode, thanks for putting me straight! Although, when Widmore tells him that he will have to make a sacrifice, I thought that giving his life at some point would be the sacrifice.