Michael, Walt and Vincent

Don’t think this has much to do with anything but think there is any connection between these three?

Michelangelo, Vincent Van Gogh, and Walt Disney, all artists. Michael was an artist and walt was much into art. just wondering.

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Holdem Caulfield

I'm a lost junkie. My 3 favorite characters are Desmond Hume, Hugo Reyes and Frank Lapidis, in that order. Not a Huge fan of Jack. In fact he annoys the Pi** out of me. I wish he hung out with Locke more, he would probably be dead... just like the writers intended, lol. Favorite episode was "The Constant." Love Texas Hold'em. one of my emails is:

7 thoughts on “Michael, Walt and Vincent

  1. Yeah, I’d say they’re probaböy named after those artists – isn’t every character on the show – named after someone – however – it seems to bear more significance to the character’s personality – rather than specific meaning to the plot of the show(Locke-Bentham perhaps being an exeption – who knows..) But Yeah, Michael is the father – the artist – Walt – clearly in to comic books, and Vincent, their Dog – all in all – a family named after artists.. But yes, you’re probably right

  2. Wow, very cool find. Whether or not it will have anything to do with the premise of the show, who knows, but it’s things like that find that make the show so enjoyable to critique.

  3. Yeah, MightyEide I really do enjoy all the small things. It definitely creates a wanting to go look up who John Locke was or Rousseau etc, at least for me it does. I cant think of one show that has ever made me do that.

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