Who?What is MIB
I apologize, I am new to the site and I have looked through a lot of the threads but not all. Can someone simply tell me who/what MIB is and what it stands for. There are so many references to it, it’s making it hard to theorize with people without knowing exactly what they are referring to. Many thanks in advance.
MiB means man in black. If people use this term it is in reference to the man in a black shirt who talks to Jacob at the beginning of the incident part 1. Some other names you may see that refer to this same mystery man are Esau (Biblical Jacob’s brother) or Samuel (The name supposedly used in the lost script or something).
Hope that helps. 🙂
MIB is Man in Black – the guy who we see talking to Jacob in the finale of S5.
MIB refers to the “Man In Black” that was speaking to Jacob at the beginning of the season 5 finale (also often refered to as “Jacob’s nemesis”).
Lost has led us to believed that this “MIB” had taken on the form of John Locke throughout season 5. Many also believe he either is or is somehow in control of the smoke monster.
You will probably also see “FDW” while reading other theories. This refers to the “Frozen Donkey Wheel” under the island that Ben turned causing the island to skip through time and that Locke later turned to stop it.
Thanks, thought so but was not positive.