What were your top 5 lost moments?

Here are mine. These were pretty hard to come up with, there are a lot of great moments. things I wanted to include were almost any scene with the black smoke, especially when it judges Ben. The opening scene of the season 5 finale – the Jacob scene. And season 3 opener – watching the plane break apart from the others perspective. I think top tens are acceptable if you can’t decide.

5. Exodus pt 1 – Watching Arzt blow up. (man was he annoying) “you’ve got some…Arzt…on you” (what kind of a name is Arzt anyway? pronouncing it simply annoys me)

4. any episode – Watching Kate feel bad seeing Jack with Juliette.

3. There is no place like Home – Hurley comes home and is sketched out. He grabs the Jesus statue and opens the door – Suprise – “Hugo, what are you doing with that?” “I don’t know. I thought there might be a prowler or something.” “Jesus Christ is not a weapon. Okay, enjoy your party.”

2. Tricia Tanaka is Dead – Sawyer teaches Jin english. The only three things a woman needs to hear…”Im sorry” “You were right” “Those pants don’t make you look fat”

1. The constant- When Desmond calls Penny from the boat and they finally reconnect. (Time named this the best TV episode of 2008) ((Don’t let the fact Time named anything good as anything special. Time once named Hitler Person of the Year! Boy were they wrong!!!))

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Holdem Caulfield

I'm a lost junkie. My 3 favorite characters are Desmond Hume, Hugo Reyes and Frank Lapidis, in that order. Not a Huge fan of Jack. In fact he annoys the Pi** out of me. I wish he hung out with Locke more, he would probably be dead... just like the writers intended, lol. Favorite episode was "The Constant." Love Texas Hold'em. one of my emails is:

15 thoughts on “What were your top 5 lost moments?

  1. Haha, that list had a lot of laughs…

    My top 5

    5. Flashes before your eyes: Desmond meets Eloise Hawking while reliving his life. She explains how the universe always has a way of ‘course correcting’.

    4. Man of science, man of faith: We find out what, or rather who, is in the hatch! Desmond!!!

    3. The incident part 1: Jacob is finally shown after nearly 3 seasons of speculation… and he has a friend. 🙂

    2. A tale of two cities: Season opens with some women at a book club, only to find out that they’re on the island and they’re the others!!!

    1. The whole truth: Ben Linus as Henry Gale jokes, while eating cereal, about he’d probably be doing if he was one of these “others”. Just pure brilliance of writing and acting!

  2. This is going to be difficult…

    -Hurley beats up sawyer
    -Hurley finds out Libby is dead
    -Sawyer and Kate in the helicopter
    -Charlies almost death in season 1
    -Claire having the baby
    -Locke being rejected by Helen
    -Locke flipping out in his car after Cooper steals his kidney
    -Locke banging on Hatch after Boone’s death
    -Faraday loses Charlotte
    -Faraday tells little Charlotte not to come back to the island
    -Alex loses Karl and her mother
    -Ben loses Alex
    -Libby dies
    -Walt gives Shannon Vincent
    -Hurley saves the day in the Dharma van
    -Charlie singing Wonderwall 🙂
    -Liam sells Charlies piano
    -The song Charlie writes (Funny now)
    -Charlie telling Hurley he can’t come with them to the Looking Glass station
    -Hurley asking Charlie if he knew he was going to die when he swam down to the Looking Glass.
    -I should probably stop now…

    6.Sun screaming for Jin after the boat blows up
    5.Michael and Walt briefly see each other in the tent at the Others camp
    4.Alex dies
    3.Desmond and Penny reconnect
    2.Claire being told about Charlie’s death and his death itself
    1.Charlie’s Greatest Hits

    Sorry about the lengthyness…

  3. Top Five moments:

    1. Hurley starting the Dharma Van and driving it off of the cliff, saying “you make your own luck”, with The Road to Shamballa playing in the background. – Classic moment!

    2. Sawyer clinking his Dharma Beer Can on the skeleton of old Roger Workman.

    3. Charlie’s Top Ten List

    4. Desmond’s Flash from the Swan Station, after he turned the fail-safe key!

    5. Ben killing Locke! – Fine acting!

    PS: I loved when Hurley’s mom asks: “why is there a dead pakistani on my couch”?

  4. haha, this is neat Holdem!

    My favorites (although I’m sure I’m forgetting some) are:

    1. The pilot gets pulled out of the cockpit in Pilot episode by a monster

    2. Hugo saving Sayid, Jin, and (Sawyer?) from the Others by running them over with a van.

    3. Faraday in the middle of what may as well be a WW2 battle: “Do you have anything for a begginer?”

    4. Anytime Sawyer gives a nickname to somebody

    5. Alex dies

    6. the Frieter (sorry bad spelling) blows up

    7. 5th season: Ben walks into Hugo’s parents house, Hugo is there eating a Hot Pocket. Ben: Hello Hugo. Hugo yells and launches the Hot Pcket across the room and it splatters all over the wall. (the sound it makes is the best part)

    8. The moment Hugo reaveals the golf course

    9. Opening scene season 5 with Jacob and MIB

    10. Jack almost jumping off a bridge (if he actually had, it would be my number one 😉 )

  5. Ok one more, in case no one else mentions it, Sayid getting drugged and tripping out!!! LOL.

    Oh and Sayid’s line to Sawyer while he isbeing held captive by Dharma.

    Sawyer: How ya doing?

    Sayid: A ten year old Benjamin Linus just gave me a chicken salad sandwhich, how do you think I’m doing?

    Funniest lost moment period.

  6. 1. desmonds and penny’s phone call
    2. hurley’s hot pocket on the wall
    3. sawyer watching kate deliver aaron
    4. charlie leaving his ring for aaron
    5. charlie locking the door to his death
    6. little charlotte saying “i’m not allowed to eat chocolate…”
    7. kate and sawyer in the bear cages
    8. jack drunk lol
    9. when shannon finally stops screaming (in the pilot)
    10. hurley… golf course, in camper van, at his party… pretty much any hurley moment

  7. hahaha these are great, its hard to remember them all. thanks guys.

    the hot pocket was hilarious. forgot about the bear cages, i thought it was funny when sawyer figures it out and he’s all proud and tom says it only took the bears 2 hours…. I dont think Jack ever figures it out. lol.

    i agree, any hurley moment is a good moment, his mom is pretty funny too… the dead pakistani and covering the statues ears… haha

    at the time seeing what was in the hatch was definitely awesome!

  8. 5. Season 3 opening scene with Juliet.

    4. The series opening scene with Jack.

    3. Make Your Own Kind of Music, season 2 opener with Desmond.

    2. Micheal shoots Anna Lucia and Libby.

    1. “We have to go back”

  9. 1. Ben getting his ass kicked by Jack in the season 3 finale.

    2. Jacob and Rival sitting by the statue in the beginning of the season 5 finale.

    3. The moment you realize Jack and Kate are off the island at the end of the season 3 finale. “We have to go back Kate, we have to go back!”

    4. Sawyer calling Faraday “Twitchy”

    5. After John is shot by Ben into the dharma pit, and wakes up to a hallucination/reanimation of Walt.

  10. 1. Charlie’s Last Words, “Not Penny’s Boat!”

    2. The Constant (the entire episode)

    3. Jack during the opening scene of the pilot.

    4. “We have to go back.” (The first flash forward.)

    5. Sawyer whispering to Kate on the plane.

    6. Hurley and the golf course.

    7. Richard when MIB (John Locke) sends him over to John Locke w/ the compass.

    8. Sawyer watching Aaron’s birth.

  11. Theres just way to many to name only 5!!

    10) The Others confront Jack, Locke and Sawyer as they look for Micheal. Some great lines from Tom. “This is OUR island.”

    9) Hurley saves the day with the Dharma van on the beach.

    8) The others steal Walt off the raft.

    7) The lockdown, when Locke sees the blast door map.

    6) Locke banging on the hatch and the bright light coming on.

    5) Season 2 opener, Desmond in the hatch.

    4) Eko stands toe to toe with the smoke monster!

    3)Opening scene of The Incident. Jacob and ‘friend’.

    2) Micheal shoots Ana Lucia and Libby. Genuinely shocking!

    1) Season 3 finale. “We have to go back.” Suspected it was a flash forward from the moment i saw Jacks beard but to actually see it. WOW!

    Honourable mentions to Shannon dying (boy was she annoying) and Hurley arguing with Miles about their time travelling, pure genius and my funniest moment!

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