hangin’ with mr. cooper

Through re-watching, I’ve had several questions that have always intrigued me resurface. Here’s one: how DID ben and ricardos make anthony cooper appear? Was it really him? Did someone go off island and kidnap him or did they really just bring him there somehow? (And if so, why didn’t ben just use that ability to bring himself a surgeon instead of relying on crybaby jack?) OR, was it yet another abarition (albeit one that could be killed and carried around on locke’s shoulder)? AND, does any of this even matter anymore? Possibly not, although locke’s use of sawyer to do his dirty work sure was similar to anti-locke’s use of ben to kill jacob.

on an unrelated note, is it just me or is 1950’s eloise a real fox??

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5 thoughts on “hangin’ with mr. cooper

  1. arnst, I think we can safely surmise that with all of Ben’s outside contacts off of ‘the island’, that he would have no difficulty in staging a car crash, and bringing Cooper to ‘the island’.

    As for Ben using Jack as his surgeon, why not? He was right there on ‘the island’. Ben almost spoke of this, as if it was ‘fate’ responding to his need.

  2. hey arnst, i think it was deffinately the real cooper ben brought to the island. ben is a very powerfull man and would deffinately be capable of doing so, by whatever means necessary. about jack, 815 crashed on the island by accident really, it was des who got them there, very lucky for ben though i might add. ben could of possibly been planning to kidnap a spinal surgeon from somewhere but when jack arrived there was no need? and yes i agree the actress who plays 1950s eloise is a very pretty lady. eko rocks

  3. I really believe that with there will be a fair amount of time travel or something similar to it in season 6. Remember when fake Locke instructed Richard to take the bullet out of his real Locke? It would be pretty crazy if in fact it was fake Locke who brought Cooper to the island for himself to kill.

  4. Ben says ‘but John, I didn’t bring him here……YOU did’.

    While I think this line is an indication of a plot-point that never materialized(the writers often write scenarios/dialog that provides them with OPTIONS down the road), let’s assume for a second Locke did bring Cooper to the island(and not via a magic box lol).

    Ben makes Cooper’s murder a condition of Locke joining the Others.
    Ben shoots Locke…but Ben knows that Locke can’t die, because the only way Ben could be with Locke is if Locke met the precondition of murdering Cooper, which means Locke MUST live long enough to bring Cooper to the Island in the future.

    I think Locke bringing Cooper to the Island was a possible future event that the writers abandoned by the time they got to Locke being Jeremy Bentham.

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