what were jack and christian talking about?
hello everyone, can anybody remember what jack and christian were talking about just before jacob gave jack the chocolate bar as i cant quite remember?
its because ive just had a thought that when jacob gave jack the bar could he have given him the power to perform the miracle operation on sarah that made her walk again? thanks guys. eko rocks.
Hi, you can watch here the whole conversation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfheTnhf-ks
I thought the exact same thing. I think he gave Jack the ability to do it, and I believe he also led to their separation/divorce.
Jack complained about Christian embarrassing him on his first solo surgery in front of the surgical staff and Christian was bragging on him and telling him he did well, etc.
I had a similiar thought to Jacob touching Jack and the other characters. I think when Jacob suggested to Hugo that he may be blessed instead of cursed, I think Jacob was trying to also say that he was blessed and this led to a number of things: Perhaps Jack saving Sarah, Locke walking, Hugo coming back to the island, KATE I AM NOT SURE ABOUT and what Jacob blessed Kate with…?
Was it the island/Jacob or was it Jack? Is Jack Special because he crashed on 815 or was he on 815 and brought to the island by Jacob because he was special?
As Jacob described it to Jack, people, like the Apollo bar stuck in the machine, often need a ‘little push’.
This is Jacob’s approach to dealing with man….his philosophy and code is that of an omniscient compassionate deity who still believes in personal choice and personal freedom.
Using the Apollo Bar as a metaphor, Jacob was trying to illustrate to Jack that Christian was merely trying to give Jack a ‘little push’ by instructing him in the operating room.
Sure, we may learn down the road that Jacob has blessed/healed/inspired or possibly even given the Losties the powers of gods, but right now it’s tough to say for sure.