Jacobs visits

I am new to Lost Theories, but have a question eating me up about Jacob’s visits to our Losties.  After rewatching season 5 I noticed in the final episode that Jacob seemed to visit our main Losties at different times in their lives.  He visited Kate and Sawyer when they were kids, Jin and Sun at their wedding, and Jack when he had first become a surgeon, but he only visited Hurley and Sayid after they had been on the island.  Does this have some kind of significance? It seemed to me that he either saved Sayid from being run over or he let his wife die. My only thought about this is that Sayid would most likely never go back to the island if his wife was alive, maybe Jacob let her die for this reason.  I also noticed in the “Lost Supper” picture that Hurley and Sayid has skulls next to them.  I hope this does not foreshadow their death because Hurley is my favorite 🙁 So I guess throughout all of my rambling I wonder, why did he visit some before they were on the island and some after?

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get here Feb. 2nd 2010!!!

2 thoughts on “Jacobs visits

  1. Jacob obviously let Nadia die because if she had lived, Sayid would have no reason to kill for Ben and be in that bar where he met Ilana which ultimately led him back to the island. Jacob wants Sayid on the island; there’s no way Sayid was going anywhere away from Nadia.

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