Jacob’s Remains

Okay, so let’s discuss how Jacob did not leave any remains. He was kicked into the fire, and poof he was gone. There is NO skeletal remains, or a burned up corpse…

I’m rewatching now…

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email: I love LOST... I live in NJ right outside NYC.

11 thoughts on “Jacob’s Remains

  1. I’ve commented on your above theory about the ash ring A.E.S.

    I really think Jacob may now be in Saiyd, as the other others, said Saiyd is dead…

    I can’t wait til next week.

    Maybe the ash is the collection of all of Jacob’s various bodies.

  2. When Jacob meets with Hurley after he dies, he says he died “about an hour ago.” So it’s possible the fire had been burning him for an hour, but there is still the lack of the skeleton. I do not think Jacob was “reborn” in Sayid, because when the MiB used Locke’s body, there was still a body. Two Lockes. Sayid’s body was in plain sight the whole time. There is no “other Sayid” walking around assuming his identity. I believe Jacob knows that Sayid has a higher prupose to fulfill and that is the only reason he needed to survive, to live.

  3. Sinster I hate the theory that Saiyd is now Jacob, if their is one thing lost has taught us its “Dead is dead” there is no coming back from that. That rule applies to everyone…. and before anyone says it, we dont know for sure that Saiyd was dead when they pulled him out of the pool.

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