Buddist Link – Dharma Connection

Written 12th February

I am a mad keen LOST viewer and as like you all have been pulling my hair out trying to work out what this is all about: This is my idea about the main theme? I could be wrong but it’s starting to make sense. I am sorry if this has all been raised before:

I have been reading up a lot on the Buddist spin.. I found this link very fascinating..

It even has the Dharma Swan logo which made my mind spin out.. its a long read but very interesting.. particularly the parts on THROTH:
“Thoth was an immortal, that is, he had conquered death, passing only when he willed and even then not through death. His vast wisdom made him ruler over all material matter.
During later ages, the ego of Thoth passed into the bodies of men in the manner described in the tablets. As such, he incarnated three times, in his last being known as Hermes, the thrice-born.”

Further down are these two statements:

A hundred times ten have I descended the dark way that led into light, and as many times have I ascended from the darkness into the light, my strength and power renewed.

This means sitting in darkness, in meditation, eventually, that darkness will turn into light. And the energy renews the mind.

This is when you have reached the crystal palace (the higher mind) the passages in the brain, and reached the summit (the higher consciousness), Receiving the power or CHI (electromagnetism) from the air. While in meditation concentrating on the gateway, the entrance into heaven (Amenti).

Eventually, when the person you are teaching realizes this great truth, they sit at the feet of the master. They go on their way after hearing truth.

Then this:
And of all these, greatest among the children of men was my father, Thoth, keeper of the great temple, link between the Children of Light who dwelt within the temple and the races of men who inhabited the ten islands. Mouthpiece, after the three, of the Dweller of Unal, speaking to the Kings with the voice that must be obeyed.

It says that once your soul is free, after having gone through the seven seals, you go on to higher dimensions, yet taking on a new body. A body in other worlds out there in space. ALIENS? In each, I change in my form.

Unseen they walk among thee in places where the rites have been said. Again as time passes onward shall they take the semblance of men. Called may they be by the master who knows the white or the black, but only the white master may control and bind them while in the flesh. Seek not the kingdom of shadows, for evil will surely appear.

This one really got me: The light is hidden in the shadow, you are the shadow, that hides the light within (WHAT LIES IN THE SHADOW OF THE STATUE?)

This is something else I have been looking at.. Buddist NUMBERS and the references to Dharma and the connection to LOST

Buddist Numbers:
4. Four Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma of Tao-sheng
the dharma wheel of goodness and purity
the dharma wheel of expedient means
the dharma wheel of truth
the dharma wheel without residue

8 Eightfold Noble Path
correct views (samyagdrsti)
correct thought (samyaksamkalpa)
correct speech (samyag-vac)
correct conduct (samya-karmanta)
correct livelihood (samyag-ajiva)
correct zeal; effort (samyag-vyayama)
correct rememberance of the right Dharma; mindfulness (samyak-smrti)
correct meditation (samyak-samadhi)

15. There is an end to suffering

16 refers to the “16 Arhants” and their disciples, to whom the Buddha entrusted the care of his teachings at the time of his paranirvana

23. Correct mindfulness

42. I vow to strive for the perfection of spirituality

Bowing is central to Buddhism, and a practice of 108 bows is common
108 bows. This is part of the Buddhist belief that mankind goes through 108 periods of anguish in life, and should make the 108 bows to be free from this anguish. It is considered a good meditation practice

Last thing that has really got me aswell is this:
Dharmadhatu (Sanskrit) may be defined as the ‘dimension’, ‘realm’ or ‘sphere’ (dhatu) of Dharma and denotes the collective ‘one-taste’ (Sanskrit: ekarasa) dimension of Dharmata.
In Mahayana Buddhism, dharmadhātu (Tibetan: chos kyi dbyings; Chinese: 法界) means “realm of phenomena”, “realm of Truth” and of the noumenon, where Tathata (Reality “as-it-is”), emptiness, dependent co-arising and the unconditioned, uncreated, perfect and eternal Buddha are one.

On researching further i found which was written in LOSTS second season!

Let me know your thoughts on this..

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7 thoughts on “Buddist Link – Dharma Connection

  1. U have done a heck of a lot of reading and research congrats.

    I still wonder, are the writers use of philosophy, Religion (Buddhism, Hebrew, Christianity) just beautiful brush strokes on a painting. Or can we somehow link it into the central story/plot?

    I think its a beautifully complex painting (the writing of this series) for the writers to have included so many allegories, metaphors, symbolism and intellectual and historical reference. Its mind blowing effort and they deserve their pay check and time in Hawai getting tanned 🙂

  2. Very good research… I think various forms of belief systems and ancient civilizations are being put forth and combined into the story…

    Some other things that I would like to bring up and how it relates to the show:

    I like that you mention Hermes and Thoth. Hermes is the Greek god, Thoth is the Egyptian god, but Hermes was also known as “Mercury” to the Romans. So, here we have three gods believed to have been one, but with different names.

    I think it’s interesting to note that all three are messenger gods and also trickster gods. Lessons are said to be learned by the tricks that they play… Basically, they are clever con artists, who sometimes play the fool.

    So, now this brings up Cerberus aka Smokey… Cerberus is a three headed dog. And, this is why I believe that Smokey may be the combination of three separate entities and it’s those entities that are currently running a con.

    During LA X when they are approaching the temple there are “three headed Buddha statues” cut into the front wall of the temple… Again, with the three heads! Coincidence? I think not.

    In Buddhism: Buddha means “the awakened one” or “the enlightened one.” In Hinduism: Budha is the name for “Mercury.” In Astrology Mercury is ruled by the element of “water” and also rules over the sign Gemini “the twins.”

    All reasons why I believe that the temple once belonged to Smokey. And, would anybody like to take a guess at Locke’s astrological sign? 🙂

  3. Crawfs09, very good research indeed. It’s difficult to ignore the Buddhist references being made throughout the show. There have been many references.

    Elsewhere is also correct with her observations and insights.

    In particular, Elsewhere points out the ‘three-headed’ statues in front of the Temple. They are what I believe reference the Hindu concept of ‘Trimurti’. The 3 Gods of Cosmic Functions which are; Creator, Maintainer/Preserver and Destroyer.

    Thanks for an enjoyable read!

  4. Hey Dab’s: Thank’s for bringing up the Trimurti… I was going to mention that in my comment after I brought up the statue but I seemed to have lost my train of thought…

    In addition to the three God aspects of the Trimurti; Brahma/Creator, Vishnu/Preserver and Shiva/Destroyer it can also represent Earth, Water and Fire; with water being the maintainer of life the Preserver.

    It can also represent three planes of consciousness Spiritual, Physical and Physiological.

    I think we make a good tag team! 😉

  5. Hi elsewhere, cool connection on the ‘elements’. I wasn’t aware of that information.

    I’d love to see a post on how some of these elements play into the theme of Lost, as I am sure they do on a variety of levels.

    There is so much information on these subject matters, and it is beyond my capability to provide an accurate post, so would love to combine thoughts with you.

    Thanks again, elsewhere!

  6. Dab’s: I have been trying to stay away from here lately, and I’m not much of a theory writer… But any thoughts or ideas that I send your way please feel free to use them anyway you see fit.

  7. Hey elsewhere, I appreciate where you are coming from. I would like to add that I feel you make very positive contributions to the site.

    I know that I would not be able to do this type of post justice, unfortunately. I did look into it at one point, and there was such a wealth of information….I knew that it would take me forever to put anything coherent together.

    So, maybe Crawfs09 will take on the task of presenting another good theory, that we can all participate in.

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