They are the Others. We are the Others.

We are the Others. This is our island.
Who are you?
If you are on the list, you may be come one of us.
You are on the list.
But first, you must pass the test.
You passed. No, you did not.
We are lying.
You are infected.
We must kill you.

They tell me I am infected, but I know that I am not.
I must escape.
I did escape.
They cannot kill me now.

It is lonely here. Until I meet..

Who are you?
Are you infected?
They told you that you were infected?
They are wrong. We are not infected.
And who are…

They told you that you are infected?
They are wrong.
We are not infected.
And who are..

We are not infected.
This is our island.
And who are..

The ones that told us we are infected.
They are nothing. They are weak.
This is our island now.

We must kill
We did kill
We are

We are the Others. This is our island. Who are you?

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It's 9:00pm, on Sunday, May 23rd, 2010, and The End is near..

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