Desmond will see “The Light”
I wrote a theory when Desmond was first thrown in the well (called well well well…) and while I was wrong that Desmond would use that well to get to the source of electromagnetism, I believe I was right in thinking that he will go there. I stated that all the wells have a common source, which we no know to be “The Light”.
Desmond is special (but who isn’t these days on lost?). But his specialness(specialtude? ok i’ll stop with the parentheses) has to do with electromagnetism, something obviously related intricately with the light.
Jacob throwing his brother into the light cave was very reminiscent of Flocke throwing Desmond in the well. I believe Desmond will reach the source of the light (revealing the hidden secret of the island) but will not be affected the way jacob’s brother was. It is there he will make his sacrifice, and perhaps stop smokies powers (which are obviously electromagnetically based).
You didn’t keep your promises about the parentheses. I agree with you. Desmond will interact with “the light”…he has to. What else would he be here for, gosh darn it!
I think he already has, and that is what makes him special.
His turning the key released the buildup of energy/flash/light at the Swan…giving him his powers…
I think now, his sacrifice could be conscious flashing back to his past on island self, maybe another timeline, maybe not…and NOT push the button or turn the key…thus sinking the island…maybe…sounds good though…
you always go over the top with ur theories A.E.S giving that there is 3 eps to go i’d think u’d keep it simple
Ekolocation i like what your saying would be happy to see this happen
2 episodes…and no… Im not going to do that…
dont change for anyone aes. your over-the-top-ness made my crazy theories seem a little tamer by comparison.
If you are right AES, and he already went into the light, then maybe its the way you go into the light that determines what happens to you when you are there.
Adam was thrown down by his brother angrily after he angrily killed his mother. dark, evil circumstances caused him to become an evil entity with black smoke powers. desmond turned the key to sacrifice himself for locke and the others and gained time-flashing and conscious flashing abilities. those powers seem less evil.
I think Widmore brought Desmond to the Island because of his resistance to EM energy and the fact that someone has to go down into the Source to somehow stop/kill Smokey.
Jacob knew this and probably imparted the knowledge to Widmore when he was the leader of the Others. How else would Widmore know about it? Additionally, it’
s interesting to note that Naomi arrived on the Island with a photo of Desmond. Widmore sent Naomi to the Island to secure Desmond.
When Des tells Whats his name…George, that he needs the manifest, because he need to show them something…I think some people think he means show them the manifest…
He runs John down…he is connecting people in every way possible, trying to get them to remember…to see the light…even if it kills them, because it still works.
Charlie showed Des in this manner…and Des saw more in his catscan…he very well may remember everything.
Desmond Hume is, and always has been the key to connecting the Losties, ever since he didnt push the button, and 815 crashed…