Seriously…What’s Your Deal? We KNOW…That You Know…
Dear Charles Widmore,
Ok Chuck, lets get down to brass tacks…
Whats going on here?
We ALL know you know. You walk around with a smug look all the time, not letting anyone have your million dollar whiskey…with your fancy art and “look at me”, I have a submarine…
Its not cute anymore.
You know where people will pop up after turning the wheel…at least you knew where John was going to pop up…
I know you had something to do with the purge…but I havent figured out which side you were truly on…at least the first time around…
You think you have nightmares now…wait until this monster starts running around in your head in the FSW…
Do me a favor…leave Desmond Hume alone…the guys got a wife and kid…find someone else to go into your stupid light for you. Just because he can take a EM shock and you cant…doesnt mean he wants or has to…dick…
Yes…I told you what you “cant do”…and there is nothing you can do about it.
Seriously…leave Des alone, hes your son in law for gods sake…
I really hope Ben Linus kills you…I really do. I dont care if hes right or wrong anymore…I miss the Ben I knew and loved, and I hope he manipulates and destroys you…you are not special…are you?
And you know what…I hope the monster helps him. Your stupid fences are worthless as long as he has someone to turn them off…
And you geologist…I hope she is the one who did it…and I hope Smokey kills her too…
Seriously…whats your deal?
Where are you from?
Did you come here from “across the sea”…or are you from here?
Who are your parents? Are they dead? Were they on the show?
Is JACOB your father?
Or are you a Dharma kid, plucked out of the equation to help play a role on the “others”?
Did Alpert “save” you , as he saved young Ben? Was Richard ALWAYS younger than you…no, of course not…is HE your father somehow…
When did you outrank him, and did you earn it…or did you take it?
Were you chosen for it, as many of the shows leaders seemingly were?
If you DONT know whats going on, or DONT want to tell me…Ill just assume your a power hungry old bastard with nothing but the islands energy in your mind…
You have seen what it can do…you have seen it travel through time, heal the sick, allow the paralyzed to walk again…
You have seen it send people to the other side of the world, and probably know that it can grant immortality, and even that it can turn you into a large pillar of smoke.
If you DO know whats going on…and you are going to tell me…than you’re even more slime for not telling me already.
You had better have some good news for me…Ive been patient…we all have…and WE ALL KNOW…that you know…
PS…We all hear “Mrs Widmore” cracking the whip in the background…so you had better hurry up…
Danny’s got a piano recital…
– I want you dead! But first I have this questionnaire for you…
Open letter… Great concept AES! Much fun.
Yeah…thanks for nothing…
I would say rest in peace…but Im sure he will not…
Not thanks for nothing you guys…thanks for nothing Charles…
He got his just deserts for caving in about Penny. He proved to be no man of faith.