
the bible verse John:316 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life” Geezzzzz! that tells us soooo much! okay God would be Jacob, only son (Jesus) would be John Locke? i ripped this verse apart and thought about every little thing.
“for God so loved the world”- Jacob loved the island and everyone on it
“that he gave his only Son”- John Locke had to die so…
“so that everyone who believes in him”- all the people on the island or The Others
“May not perish but may have eternal life”- will not die but will have ETERNAL LIFE! like the egyptian sign the statue was holding and having to do with all this egyptian stuff maybe?
I think this is really cool please comment and tell me what you think. 🙂

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7 thoughts on “John:316……..

  1. It is really cool. I was wondering why the Aljira flight wasn’t 416, or 415, 823, ect. Picking 316 as a way of pointing to John 3:16 would be cool. And would also explain why the flight number wasn’t like one of the above.

  2. i think this is very smart, however it is all based on the asumption that locke is definently jacobs son….which could be the truth, but i cant see that!

    but nice theory!


  3. Lost411, also, not to make fun of my previous comment, but as a 14 years young girl, who I presume is in scool, you have nice thoughts here.
    I have read a few of your comments, and recently your “316” fun/theory.

    I will say that I must encourage you to put that young imagination to use here.
    If you love Lost as you say, and are willing to keep producing theories, I think that you can use that to your advantage on some of your elders here on the site.

    You may not have learned some of the things that they have learned, or read everybook in the Lost book club, but an imaginative mind, and a good understanding for Lost can carry you far on a theories site, and I insist that you continue to do those things and I am sure using show info and creativity, you can put out a top notch theory.

    Sorry to go off topic, but I just wanted to compliment and encourage you to push you creativity to another level…nice work on the site so far…

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