Does Jacob represent the self absorbed righteous attitude in the world?

Jacob has annoyed me from his introduction. He seems to prey upon the vulnerable, putting them into situations that are perfect for tempting by his anti-buddy in black. He uses people to see if he can prove his theories about humanity. People are expendable examples to him. I hope this has been the intention of the writers, because if he is glorified for this behavior in episodes to come, I will be greatly disappointed.

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35yo guy in the San Francisco Bay Area

7 thoughts on “Does Jacob represent the self absorbed righteous attitude in the world?

  1. I 100%, completely, totally agree. he seems to try and take the ‘higher’ ground – I’m not actually interfering, just getting my advisor to spread the word. I’ll just give some people a bit of a nudge in the direction that i want them to go – whether or not that is the best for that person doesn’t really matter does it. I personally find him way too smug, so I hope they don’t make him the unequivocal good guy because I too will be a bit disappointed. It would be too much of a correlation to dogmatic religious structures for me.

  2. I actually agree with a lot of what he says. When someone does the right thing only when he is told to do it, whats the point? Why cant they just make the right decision on their own? He wouldnt of have Richard try to guide people on the island at all if the MiB didnt decide to start manipulating and or killing everyone that came there.

    I do not like the way he uses people, the way he let Nadia die. But at the same time, I think he sees the big picture, and has for a very long time. If this evil is going to be stopped, real people are going to have to step up and make the right choices, and he needs to know who those people are in order to save the entire world.

  3. What evil? The only evil we know about is because Jacob and his followers have told us so. MIB seems to be claiming he is just misunderstood. It is very easy for someone to justify their actions by labelling whatever they are acting against as evil. It shouldn’t be enough to take someone’s word for it, that’s when pretty unfair things start to happen. I don’t think the MIB Jacob story is going to be clear cut at all.

  4. Jacob and MIB both seem to be very dubious characters morally.

    Jacob keeps bringing people to the Island, well aware that they will most likely perish somehow, not doing anything to help them. They didn’t ask to be brought to the Island and having their morals tested. Without Jacob, these people would lead normal lives back home. Now they are dead instead.

    MIB may be misunderstood but in my eyes that doesn’t really qualify as a good reason to slaughter basically everyone that he is able to touch.

  5. hahaha love the title! and completely agree, ive been thinking jacob is an ahole for while now. read my theory “jacob isnt a good guy” if you have time. but yeah who the F does he think he is messing with all these people’s lives just for his amusement and we are supposed to think he is a good guy? ummm i think not! i dont really have a huge problem with him bringing people to the island and basically killing them off for fun, my problem is with the fact that everyone thinks he is doing this for the good of man kind.

  6. I think, on the leading normal lives thing, that in the alt timeline Jacob hasn’t come and touched them – this is the life they would have had without his interference. They aren’t wonderful lives, but not so bad for most of them, if Jacob had just left them alone.

  7. I agree. If you think about the things Jacob did, most of them seem pretty evil to me. He keeps everyone in the dark and doesn’t exactly tell them their purpose, only that they have one. He also lets awful things happen to the people he brings to the island. For example, Nadia dieing, Locke falling, Sawyers parents, etc. When he had the power to change those things. Of course you could argue that he shouldn’t change them… although, in some cases Jacob is the one who causes them.

    I digress…
    The point is Jacob doesn’t really seem like the “good guy” it all of this. Actually, he seems very very selfish. He brings people to the island and lets them suffer, to what? Prove a point?

    On the other hand, MIB doesn’t really seem like a bad guy. He treats his followers with respect, protects them, and tells them exactly his plans.

    It is really confusing but I don’t see Black and White, I see a whole lot of gray.

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