The meaning of the alternate timeline

After the episode Ab Aeterno, we are told that the Man in Black is exiled to the island. The entire wine analogy (ie. the wine being evil and the cork being the island) was interesting, but the characters in the Alt timeline might be totally screwed. The sunk island in the premiere could be recognized as the “cork” falling through and allowing the evil to escape. This would probably mean the end of humanity, or the corruption of it. On the otherhand, we are now aware that MIB is the smoke monster (because he said it, stop trying to disprove the facts) and the smoke monster has always had a hatred of water. I remember the episode in which been released the monster on Keamy and the other mercenaries that Widmore sent. The monster was released when been pulled a drain out of a puddle of water. The water drained through and smokey came out. So, on the otherhand, the alternate timeline could mean that the monster/MIB is trapped underneath and exiled for good. I feel like the characters, especially Jack, know more than they’re letting on through dialogue. But I really hope the Alt timeline isn’t just the events that occur in a world without MIB. I would be horribly disappointed because it’s like watching a pointless epilogue before the show is even finished. I’m still hoping there will be a big reveal soon. Perhaps MIB in his human form?

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Jacob Loves You

4 thoughts on “The meaning of the alternate timeline

  1. Chronologically this is how I see it:
    1st revolution of time:
    (A long time ago)- a special island was created (How? no idea) but we know it houses a terrible evil in it. There is also a man there (Jacob) to protect the island and make sure the evil never leaves.
    (Long time ago-1960Â’s)-Throughout time, people have found this island and Jacob gave them free will to try to find their way but the MIB killed them all.

    (1867) – Black rock crashes an everyone onboard is killed including Richard
    (1867-1960Â’s)- People find the island, MIB kills them, Jacob doesnÂ’t interfere.

    (1960Â’s-2004) Time went on and DHARMA found the island and figured out a way to keep the evil out (sonar fences) so the evil could never kill them. DHARMA went on to create stations, barracks, and did their experiments and Jacob let them live in peace to try to prosper. Then sometime after 1992 an incident happened caused by DHARMA, everyone on the island died, the island sunk, and the evil was released out into the world.(this event could have happened anytime between 1992 and 2004). I tend to think this happened just before the FSW plane 815 flew over the recently sunk island. Hence, there was still turbulence but no crash. The energy missed the plane mostly.

    (Sept 22, 2004) desmond doesnÂ’t hit the button, Oceanic 815 doesnÂ’t crash and the MIB is released into the world. We see Oceanic 815 fly over a sunken island and we then see the lives of the people we come to know. In this time (Sawyer as a cop, Jack has a kid, ect…) there is an evil that is slowly taking over the world and soon will infect everybody and lead to doomsday. Jacob knows that doomsday is imminent so he goes back in time to try to change how things play out.

    2nd Revolution of time:
    (1867 take 2)-(These are the scene on the beach and with the wine bottle) MIB is also aware of this reset and he feels trapped again. The only way out is to kill Jacob. MIB starts to work on his loophole. At first he thinks small and gives a guy a knife and says, “Go stab that guy”. Nope, that doesnÂ’t work. Jacob now enlists the help of just recently shipwrecked Richard. And gives him a job and immortality so he can make sure time doesn’t repeat it self and still let people help themselves. Jacob and Richard know they need help and Jacob starts to bring people to the island to 1. Save the island 2. Keep MIB trapped 3. Get rid of (1992 purge) DHARMA before they sink the island and release the evil again. 4. Find a replacement.

    (1950Â’s take 2)- time traveling John Locke prophesizes his own coming. This is when MIB sees how he can kill Jacob. ItÂ’s just going to take 50 years. Jacob also knows about this and wants to find out what thatÂ’s all about. He sends Richard to recruit Locke at a young age.
    (1950Â’s-1990Â’s take 2) All of the Flashbacks and time traveling from the previous seasons occur.
    (1992 take 2)- Jacob orders the purge. DHARMA can’t release MIB now.

    (1990Â’s-2004 take 2) More Flashbacks and Flash forwards from the previous seasons occur. Jacob knows that a plane flew overhead just before MIB was released so he goes to find these people and picks out a few special ones. He brings these candidates to the island to finish his checklist.

    (Sept 22, 2004 take 2) Desmond doesnÂ’t hit the button and 815 Crashes. .
    (2004 take 2)Everything on island from season 1-5 happens.
    (2004-2007) Flash Forwards occur from past seasons.

    (2007)- Jacob is killed and MIB completes his Loophole. But he still needs to escape the island to infect the world. For now Flocke is still on the island but he did some fancy shit there to pull off his loophole and have Jacob Killed. But of course Jacob has a few more tricks up his sleeve.

    This could be the big mind fuck that everyone gets in the last moments. Kind of like “That happened before…wha.. happened before the flashsidways… wha… they were really flash way backs to a previous time line. Wha.. WHA…!!” As the audience we will watch the flash-sideways and see doomsday and Jacob going back to try to change the outcome. Which will lead right into season 1 when we see Jacob trying to stop MIB and MIB trying to find his Loophole. It’s like a wheel it goes round and round. It’s Brilliant!!

  2. I really like the idea of the sunken island meaning the “cork falling through and allowing the evil to escape”.
    To be honest, i really like MIB. I think he is cooler than Jacob. It also involves alot more mystery. As you said, i would be disappointed if the Alt timeline represented a world without MIB.

  3. I entirely agree with you wharfrat77. The specifics might be different but I’d say 80% of that theory sounds spot on. Also, the crators mentioned their influence from Stephen King’s The Dark Tower. If you haven’t read that series I highly reccomend it. The more the creators answer our questions, the more similarities I begin to see. And to Glaw, I’ve always liked MIB more than Jacob too. In my opinion, Jacob seems to full of himself while MIB says he was once a man and he obviously has some mortal weaknesses. Besides, who really wants to know about a guy who doesn’t “die” after he is stabbed (Jacob). That always seems to be a cheap cliche. Also, on the jughead, I believe it created this alternate timeline. I also believe that they went back to the the original timeline when they all died in the blast. This seems far fetched but when Juliet dies she says “it worked”. Obviously she is in the alternate timeline as the life fades from her. When they die in one timeline their concsciousness moves to the other. It’s out there but it could explain why Jack seems so awkward in his alt timeline. Perhaps, as the new protector/Jacob, he sacrificed himself to save all the people he cares about. Thus, he is forced into the alt timeline, but he can’t let on to how interconnected they all are. They would think he’s insane, but he’s more than willing to help John with his paralysis. This is a juxtapostion to the epic finale in which Jack (as new jacob) and MIB (as Flocke) finally duke it out. Well, at least, I hope it will be epic!

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